Tuesday, December 18, 2012

21 Things That Can Kill Your Motivation - part 1

Getting what you want in life comes down to getting yourself to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. The problem many of us run into is losing our motivation to do what we have to do.Coming up with a bunch of ways to motivate yourself is great but I think it’s also useful to identify some of the things that destroys your motivation in the first place. That way, you can figure out what usually causes you to lose your motivation and do something to prevent it.
If taking action is the key to success, then figuring out what stops you from taking action is equally important. The following is a list of 21 common things that can kill your motivation.

1. No Goals

If you don’t have any goals, you can easily find yourself not wanting to do very much. Without a clear direction or purpose, life can seem pretty uninspiring. Take some time to figure out what you want in life. What kind of experiences do you want to have? What sort of impact do you want to make? How do you want to be remembered?
“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” – Robert H. Schuller

2. Weak Desire

Having a strong “why” is vitally important when it comes to motivation. You can have goals but if your desire to achieve them is weak, any number of things can discourage you and kill your motivation. If your desire is weak, either come up with stronger reasons for achieving the goal or choose another goal, something that actually excites you.

3. Lack of Instant Results

This one is the biggest reason why so many people start a workout or diet program and end up quitting 2 months later. This is usually a result of expecting too much too soon. Give yourself a reasonable time frame. Any goal is achievable if you have enough time, assuming that you’re doing the right things.

4. Lack of Support

When you feel like no one believes in you or supports you or cares about whether or not you accomplish your goals, finding the motivation to keep pressing on can be difficult. Look for people who will support and encourage you. Also, support the dreams of those around you. You just never know how much of a positive impact your support can have on someone.

5. Lack of Belief in Yourself

You can have the motivation to start taking a lot of action but if you don’t truly believe you can accomplish your goals, you’ll eventually stop and end up saying, “I knew I couldn’t do it.” When you let negative thoughts control you, you’ll start to doubt yourself and your motivation will plummet. Try reading positive material and filling your mind with confident thoughts. If possible, hire a coach or find someone who has achieved the results you want to help you out.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

6. Low Energy

It doesn’t matter how motivated your mind is, if your body is lacking in energy, you won’t be able to do much. Take care of your body. Eat right and get some exercise. You can get a lot more done when you have the energy to bounce out of bed in the morning compared to having to muster up every ounce of energy you have just to drag yourself out of bed.

7. Distractions

Distractions will constantly show up from every direction. Give into them and your focus will be thrown off course and when you stay off course for too long, your motivation will eventually deteriorate. One way to deal with this is to constantly ask yourself whether or not what you’re doing at the moment is taking you closer to or away from your goal.

8. Boredom

Often times, the big picture is more exciting than the details but in order to get from where you are to where you want to be, you need to work on the details. If your goal is to lose weight and you find running to be extremely boring, that could kill your motivation. In this case, finding another calorie burning activity is important. If you run a business that requires you to do a lot of boring tasks and it’s killing your drive, hire someone else to do those things.

9. Negative People

Negative people can suck the motivation right out of you. Their negative attitude and discouraging remarks can be a huge energy suck. You should do what you can to avoid these types of people as much as possible.

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain

10. Negative News
The world seems to have an endless supply of bad things happening, at least according to the media. If you spend too much time focusing on all of the bad things that are going on in this world, it can deplete your motivation quite quickly. Since the media focuses mainly on the bad, because it sells, try balancing that out by focusing on the good.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius


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